Frequently Asked Questions
FEES: How much will this cost?
     Our fees are based on household income and are generally one third to one half less than other for profit services. Thanks to donations from caring people we can offer very low fees. People with no income or low income may qualify for a fee waiver or a reduced fee. Currently our maximum fee is $35 for one counseling session (usually one hour).
INSURANCE: Will my insurance pay for this?
Sometimes. There are limitations to what services are covered and how much will be paid by insurance. There is often a co-pay that is required to be paid by you. Our fees are usually very close to the amount of your co-pay so instead of going throught the hassle of billing insurance we just accept  the amount of the co-pay if it is close to your determined fee.
CONFIDENTIALITY: Will my privacy be protected?
Yes! Oregon law requires that any person who is providing professional counseling to protect the personal information of the person who is seeking professional help. Unless you give us permission to release it all your personal information will protected and kept confidential.
Questons? If you have other questions that are not answered on our site go to the contact page for ways you can contact us.